KYBURZ FLEET Module: Analysis & Diagnosis
You immediately identify vehicle problems in the overview dashboard- especially the errors that would be difficult to identify without an inspection of the whole fleet. The time of the fault can be checked precisely.
The various representations of the vehicle parameters make analysis and diagnosis considerably easier for you. This also allows you to detect operating errors. The service technician only comes into play when it is actually necessary.
Your service partner receives support with remote diagnosis and instructions for troubleshooting.
At the same time, KYBURZ Fleet allows you to evaluate all vehicle stops in order to optimize routes.

Your benefits
Analysis | Rapid analysis of trip and vehicle parameters |
Diagnosis | Easy recognition of error patterns |
Transparency | Selection from over 600 parameters |
Representation | Real-time display of single values in map, graph, and table display |
Stop Reports | Overview of all stops including time and place information |
Detailed analysis | Zoom function in maps and graphics for precise detailed analysis |