Keep the streets of Montreux clean: thanks to KYBURZ DXS, a well-kept promenade along the banks.

The territory of Christian Gaillard (50) is five kilometres long, stretching from the village of Clarens to Montreux and the Port de Territet, and has been managed by him for two and a half years. The promenade along the shores of Lake Geneva is a crowd-puller. "During my cleaning assignments, I blow the sidewalks and empty almost 100 "waste sharks", the waste bins known throughout Switzerland. In former times I was with a uniaxial cart, thus on foot on the way. The KYBURZ DXS now makes my work much easier, I can move faster, but my area of application has now grown. In winter there is less to do on the promenade than in summer."
Popular with the plublic
The KYBURZ DXS also has other advantages: "The battery life and range of the vehicle are good and the DXS takes up little space," explains Christian Gaillard and adds: "Of course, the trailer is not big enough to hold the contents of all the waste bins, but at certain points along the route there are large waste bins so I can empty the trailer again.
The orange DXS does not pass by the streams of visitors unseen. "I am often told that I cannot be heard coming. No noise - that is greatly appreciated. For me, being on the road silently also means paying more attention to other road users. Here on the quai there is often a lot of hustle and bustle with all the pedestrians, skaters, prams and dogs," says Christian Gaillard. The DXS attracts curious glances and so Christian Gaillard and his vehicle sometimes become a photo subject for tourists from Australia, India or Israel.
Reliability is the trump card
Christian Gaillard is completely satisfied with his DXS. A very reliable vehicle whose autonomy lasts for an entire working day. The electric car is also very easy to maintain and service. "While I'm working, I'm often approached by people who want maintenance vehicles powered by diesel or petrol to be replaced by electric vehicles," says Gaillard. "Reliability, manoeuvrability, speed - these are the qualities of my DXS!