Electricians who drive with electricity: Schibli Elektrotechnik is successfully using three DXS in Zurich.

Schibli AG has been using the KYBURZ DXS in the city of Zurich since 2015. Since the first day, the SESMO (Schibli Elektro Service MObil), as the DXS is called Schibli-internally, has been operated by Martin Stephan. He handles many orders in the centre of Zurich. He sees the main advantage of the KYBURZ DXS especially in small jobs, such as connecting a telephone line, replacing a socket or getting a fan going. At every property, he finds a corner where he can park his emergency vehicle without a lengthy search. "I've never had a parking problem before," he stresses.
Necessary material always with you
Since Martin Stephan has been on the road with the electric vehicle, he has also learned to plan his work more precisely. "You have to get along on your own." For the majority of his assignments, he has enough storage space in his vehicle to transport materials. The spacious trailer, on which he can even transport a ladder, is not with him every day.
"We have a problem with the traffic situation in the city of Zurich per se," says Jan Schibli, managing director of the Schibli Group. He was impressed by Swiss Post: "Traffic doesn't seem to be a major problem for postmen, that's what inspired us". The Schibli Group now operates three KYBURZ vehicles in and around Zurich.
Large advertising spaces
"The electric car is a perfect match for an electrician," says Martin Stephan, and the large advertising space on the body makes passers-by curious. He gets a lot of positive reactions. This is good, especially in winter: "Sometimes it's cold, but you get used to it and just dress better," he adds, as always with a friendly laugh on your face.