Closing loops, conserving raw materials: Sustainability at KYBURZ
Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We take responsibility for the world of tomorrow and want to help master ecological and social challenges actively.
Our goal is to establish a circular economy. We promote this development through advanced processes and innovative solutions.
We use resources in an environmentally friendly way and return raw materials to the cycle at the end of the products' lives.
This increases the life expectancy of the raw materials in our rechargeable batteries from 10 to around 300 years.

The LFP batteries (lithium iron phosphate) are installed in new vehicles and supply energy to the electric vehicle. This vehicle runs until it is no longer suitable for intensive use, as is the case with Swiss Post, due to mechanical weaknesses and returns.

Vehicles returning to KYBURZ from 1stLife receive an all-round overhaul and afterward a second life. The batteries are tested for internal resistance and capacity. If this is above 85 percent, they are suited for use in a 2ndLife vehicle.

When a 2ndLife vehicle returns to KYBURZ, the capacity of the battery is checked. If this is between 65 and 85 percent, nothing holds on to further use in an electricity storage product. This 3rd Life cycle lasts until the capacity falls below 65 percent.

At the end of life, the LFP battery is broken down into its raw materials in the in-house battery recycling facility: without chemicals. With this process, the recovery of raw materials is 91 percent of the original materials. The recovered raw materials flow back into the cycle and are used for the manufacture of new products.