Peter Glanzmann joins the team

Francesco demanded a personal interview.
He told me that I was a nice person and that I was also quite good on the road, but that he didn't think I was a born manager or talented as a controller. "Uh-huh?" Well, after everything I had experienced so far and after how much energy I needed to move my business forward, I wanted to at least check Francesco's statement. "So, what's your suggestion?" I asked Francesco. A friend, Peter Glanzmann, could do it much better than I could. I should get to know him and if everything fits, I could hand over the management of my business to Peter and take some time off.

The hint was clear enough and I was interested in getting to know Peter. Francesco wanted to arrange a meeting between us. He suggested we see the next performance of Karl's Kühne Gassenschau together. SILO 8, in which our vehicle CLASSIC also had an important role, was playing in Olten. I turned up at the agreed meeting with my partner Maya, Peter had arrived with his wife Pia. The meeting turned out to be a bit difficult at first: Peter and Pia were sitting in the tent, Maya didn't know about the meeting and preferred to have dinner outside. The weather was nice and the tent was a bit stuffy and noisy, which Maya didn't like at all. Francesco tried to mediate between us by alternately going to Pia and Peter in the tent and then coming back to us. With an angel's tongue he tried to get one side to approach the other.
I wanted to meet Peter, that was the purpose of our meeting, so I sat down at the table with the Glanzmanns. "I bi der Peter" was his greeting. "And I'm Martin", mine. We couldn't talk much more together, it was simply too loud and a bit too hot for that. But that was all that was necessary. We ate together and then changed our seats and enjoyed the show. I liked Peter from the beginning. He is a person who loves people and you notice that from the first moment. After the performance we agreed that he would come to Freienstein next Monday and we would settle the details there. Satisfied, we both went home.

On Monday, Peter appeared punctually in Freienstein. We worked out our contract and Peter felt ready to continue running my company temporarily. I was able to go on holiday and really relax for the first time since founding the company. Together with my partner Maya, I went to the south of France to just lie on the beach, enjoy the sand, sun and sea and think about nothing. This went very well for three days, after which I already started making the next plans again. It was still a very nice holiday and I came back well rested, my batteries freshly charged and full of energy. Peter and I agreed that in future he would be responsible for finances and personnel as CFO and I for technology, sales, production and service.
Since that day, our cooperation has worked extremely well. We are very different and decide according to the principle: If we have different opinions, we don't act for a while. We wait until we have found a common denominator. With this simple approach, we have been able to overcome all of the difficulties so far. Peter enriches me, the team and the company.

I learned from it:
- Honesty and directness help
- Relaxation gives rise to many new ideas
- If I hire someone, he should be superior to me in at least one area.